Full Heart Moment

My heart is full tonight.  The last two months have been a flurry of activity.  Remodeling the kitchen, preparing children’s items from our stockpile to sell at a consignment sale, finishing up the school year, fighting a three week cold, doing some long runs in training for the Lincoln Half Marathon, and discovering pinterest (oy vey).    It’s all added up to a big case of weary.  In a quiet afternoon of leisure at my in-laws’ pond a few weeks ago, with the sun shining down and the warmth of comraderie all around me, my heart suddenly felt a pang.  I was leaving this.  And a season of counting the cost began.

Okay, Lord, let’s do this.   Time with our parents while they are healthy and strong.  Sundays and Wednesdays with our life giving, passionately worshiping church.  Snowy Christmases with family and my mom’s signature dumplings and sauerkraut.  A predictable income.  The love, sweat, and tears poured into our home and gardens.  Game nights and birthday gatherings with friends and loved ones.  The confidence of knowing the language spoken in the streets.  And so on.

But just like the Lord, He had encouragement and joy waiting in the wings.  Call of a Coward, the book I had forgotten I’d asked to borrow, was placed into my hands, the transparent story of someone like me who followed the Lord out into the unknown.  So tonight, from the comfort of my reading chair, I was able to walk down streets in Guatemala, watch soccer matches in Costa Rica, and hug dear ones out in the nations from afar.  Tonight my heart is full with all that the Lord has in store for us.  The cost is real, but so is the blessing of trusting him more fully.


  1. How much do I love your postings? Not quite the samem experiences, but I also love those “full heart” moments and treasure the blessings that they bring to the forefront. Love you, friend 😉

  2. The cost must be counted. It is good to hear that you are doing the math. I have a feeling you will reach the same conclusion that Paul did in Philippians 3:7, “But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” LoveYOU!

  3. Susan, I love you, too! Miss you, and am glad that you are having your own full heart moments and blessings. Hugs to Robert and those handsome boys of yours.

    Thank you, Chris! Your writing inspires me.

    Wanda, can’t thank you and Dan enough for “bringing the smack” and starting us out on this journey. Hector’s forever, my friend!

  4. Leaving is not easy but I would rather be in the center of God’s will any where that leads me than to be in a comfortable place out of His will. It’s hard to leave family and friends, to leave the familiar, and some times to leave some of the comforts we have but nothing can match the feeling that this is where God has me where it is a rough day or an easy day, this is the plan He has for my life. Enjoy all of the last. Enjoy the anticipation and the excitement of the adventure. Give all the extra hugs and kisses you can to those you love. When it is time to say goodbye know that there is nothing more peaceful than following God’s will for you life.

  5. Sweet words of wisdom from someone who has already walked it out. Thank you so much, Cherie. We are blessed that our journey is leading us into your neighborhood. Looking forward to doing daily life with you!

  6. What a beautiful way you have of capturing and epressing your heart. So glad I found you and can follow your journey (of which I am a bit covetous!) I would love to say how easy and wonderful it will be, but I understand the exhaustion of departure, the uncertainty of the transition between what was and what is to come, the difficultires of a foreign land–all this is real, BUT the joy, the deep sense of feeling God’s heartbeat, and the knowledge you have been willing to say Send Me, is worth it all. Many blessings on you and your family. What a beautiful people Tim and Dena are and their haven of life for so many broken ones.

    • It is so sweet of the Lord to give me an opportunity to thank you for sharing your beautiful story as you did. The way you were honest about the struggles as well as the celebrations is a huge encouragement to my heart as we walk this path. Your work has, is, and will continue to change lives for the kingdom. I’m honored to make your acquaintance and follow along in some of your footsteps. 🙂

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